Monday 5 July 2010

Clara Reviews Series 5

O.K. Here it is! Series 5 from a childs point of view.
Clara is 7 and she is an avid doctor who fan. But she HATED David Tennant. Which is strange because everyone loved him. Oh Well. Here is my daughters review of series 5!

P.S. It is typed by her, I did try and correct spelling and stuff, But I may have missed some.

The Eleventh Hour
I like the new Doctor, he is very funny and he is better than the last one. The big eye aliens weren't very scary and the prisoner zero wasn't either. But, I really like Amy Pond as she is funny and smart. The new TARDIS is better than the old one and it was a very good episode. I don't like the doctors costume.

The Beast Below
I thought this episode was a bit boring because nothing much happened. I like the queen and the little girl. And the aliens were very scary that I ran out the room when they came on.

Victory of the Daleks
I like Winston Churchill, He is very interesting and he is quite funny. I loved the green Dalek because it looked very scary. But I thought the doctor was scary when he hit the dalek and I felt sorry for it. I don't like the new daleks as they are too colourful.

The Time of Angels
I really enjoyed this episode. It was really scary and I was hiding behind the sofa! And so was daddy because he was scared too! River Song is a bit snobby, but I like her. It was scary when the angels killed Bob. The end was exciting

Flesh and Stone
Better than the last one! When the angels moved I screamed and I don't like forests anymore.
I liked how the angels were defeated and I think that the crack will appear in more episodes. The only thing I didn't like was the kiss as it was disgusting

The Vampires of Venice
I thought this episode was the funniest episode ever! I think Rory is alot better than Mickey and when the vampires were looking like aliens they were scary. I liked how the episode was solved and it looked funny when the doctor was climbing on the building

Amy's Choice
Although Daddy liked Amy's Choice. I thought it was rubbish. The monstor wasn't good and it wasn't scary because all he could do was make dreams. And the old people were funny, not scary! But I like how Amy loves Rory.

The Hungry Earth
Nothing happened in this one. But I did like the jokes and It was a bit scary when it went dark. The lizard looks scary.

Cold Blood
This was a million times better than the last one and the best episode of the series so far. It was scary when the lizards were coming after them. And it was sad when Rory died. I like how Amy can't see Rory waving at them.

Vincent and the Doctor
a good episode. I thought the monster looked like a chicken, and it wasn't scary. And I thought that the town people were very mean to Vincent. It was sad when they knew he still killed himself. But it made me feel happy when he saw his paintings. I learned alot from this episode and we are going to Paris soon to see the Van Gogh paintings!

The Lodger
I thought this episode wasn't very good. I liked Craig because he was funny. But there wasn't a monster and it was very confusing. When Amy saw the ring it was exciting.

The Pandorica Opens
This episode was great. Not as good as the lizard one, but almost. I liked the romans and River Song. I liked how all the monsters were there and the cyberman was very scary! It was exciting at the end because Amy was dead and the doctor was trapped inside Pandora's box

The Big Bang
I like young Amy, and I liked how the doctor kept going back in time. But I thought this episode was really confusing. I didn't understand how they could restart the universe. I liked Amys mummy and daddy, but How did Amy bring back the doctor. I don't get what silence is because I thought it had something to do with this episode but it doesn't. And I hope that the doctor didn'ty marry river Song!

Overall, a good series, but not as good as my favourite one, series 1 !

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