Sunday 9 May 2010

The Doctor Scaling Tall Buildings - Has It Become a Cliche?

This was the only thing I was annoyed about in ep 6. Not that it decreased my enjoyment of the episode (which is now my favourite of this series) but it is a bit frustrating... how many times have we already seen this happen? It seems to me that climbing tall buildings is the easy was out for the writers who are stuck with a 'seemingly-impossible-to-get-out-of' situation. just stick a tall building in there with some sort of device that was made to stop the whole crisis.


The Idiots Lanter:

Tall Building= trannsmittor

Device that will stop crisis= transmittor (turn it off and the crisis will stop.

the terrible Dalek two parter in series 3 (whos name i can't remember):

Tall building= the Empire State Building.

Device= Dalekanium (take it off so the people can't become half Dalek)

Vampires Of Venice:

Tall Building= The Cavierri School

Device= turny dial thingy, (turn it off and the rain will stop)

Don't get me wrong, this didn't stop me enjoying the amazing episode, just PLZ Doctor Who, no more tall buildings with device at the top, imho, it is getting a bit cliche in Doctor Who...

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